I'm Writing
About the Web πŸ–‹

I love sharing what I know with others, which is why since 2005 I've written a number of articles on coding, design and newest web technologies. In 2019 I also became a book author and editor.

Modern JavaScript Programming: Developing Interactive Websites

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April 27, 2019 in Developer Magazine

A Beginner’s Guide to Working With Vue.js

January 14, 2019 in Webdesigner News

Interview With Matthew Taylor

November 7, 2018 in Developer Magazine

Defining State in React

July 23, 2018 in Developer Magazine

Explore the New Features in Angular 2

March 2, 2018 in Developer Magazine

What Is the Best Way to Debug JavaScript?

Hire Me
Interested in hiring me to speak
at your event, give a workshop or
write an article? This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ✌️